The popularity of workplace computers in the 1980s marked the beginning of a new era in technology. And when smartphones, tablets and personal computers debuted, closely staring at electronic screens and the accompanying eyestrain became widespread.
The range of eye exertion and the discomfort that computer screens cause are called computer vision syndrome (CVS). Between 50 and 90 percent of people who use computers have symptoms.
At the office of Oronoque Eye Care, our elite team of professionals has the ability, focus and flexibility to demonstrate unparalleled professional knowledge. Our high-quality optometric care and excellent selection of eyeglass frames are focused on our clients.
Using a computer demands a lot from our eyes. They must constantly focus and refocus as they move back and forth to read, adjust to changing images, and look down at our desks and then back at the screen. The contrast, flickers and glare from the screen make our eye muscles work very hard. The symptoms of CVS can be headaches, eye irritation, dryness, double vision, red eyes and blurred vision.
These suggestions can help ease your eyes.
Reduce screen glare by altering the surrounding light. For example, if a nearby window casts a glare, close the shades or alter the monitor’s position, and use a desk lamp with moveable shades to balance the surrounding light.
Don’t assume that you must live with the preset, factory-installed levels of brightness, contrast, colors and fonts. Fiddle around with them in the computer’s Settings mode until you find the combination that suits you best. Toning down the blue light is immensely helpful.
Follow the 20-20-20 rule, which gives your eyes a break. Every 20 minutes, look away from the screen and spend 20 seconds focusing on something 20 feet away.
Your eyes don’t blink that often when they stare at the screen. This can make blur your vision and make your eyes dry. Be mindful about how often you blink, and use eye drops to keep them moist.
If you wear eyeglasses for distance, the prescription may be too strong for the closeness of a computer screen. Conversely, if you need glasses for up-close work, the prescription might be too weak for the distance between you and the screen.
If you believe you would benefit from wearing eyeglasses whose prescription is specifically for use on a computer use, don’t hesitate to visit Oronoque Eye Care. You could very well be a great candidate for a single or bifocal lens, or lenses that boost contrast and filter out glare. We are enthusiastic about treating all aspects of the health of your eyes. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for an appointment.